
Centafold 100

Top hung sliding hardware for interior aluminium and timber doors.


  • Max door mass: 100kg
  • Max door height: 2700mm
  • Max door width: 1200mm
  • Door thickness: 44mm
  • Max 7½ leaves hinged together and to pivot

The area of a single sliding leaf should be related to all other factors.


400P Pivot set
400TA Aluminium top track
400TPT/TPA Hangers
19A Aluminium or 19B brass guide channel
40/19N Bottom guide
443B Brass or 443A Aluminium hinges
868×1 Aluminium door or 866×1 timber door hinge
VSKH Aluminium door or 86SKH timber door hinge handle
503NA/GA Flush pull handle
452 Holdback catch
488×150 Flush bolt (timber doors)
477LF Single or 477FR Double throw flush bolt
970 Deadbolt lock (timber doors)


  • When pivot sets are replaced by hinges, particular attention should be paid by the joiner or aluminium fabricator to leaf sizes.
  • All fittings available in stainless steel for all coastal applications.
  • Various finishes available.
  • Strong aluminium top track
  • Centre hung leaves
  • Quality proven hardware